Hebrews 11:6 tells us that it is impossible to please God without faith and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. Our faith pleases God, and our prayers touch His heart. When we pray for others it stops the devil in his tracks giving them a chance to hear God and make the right decisions in life.

Dear Friends,
Thank you for praying for us as we minister to others. Thank you for praying for those with whom we share the transforming power of God’s love.
For years, part of our ministry included shuttling around children in an old school bus we owned that we fondly called The Jesus Bus. In the summers we took them to parks, Percy Priest Lake, $1 movies, and to get ice cream. In the cold months, we went roller skating and held several Christmas parties.
We met sisters, Abby and Amy*, when they were just 4 and 5, beautiful little girls who were quiet and timid. Through the years, they would always attend the events we held. We watched them grow into beautiful young ladies with great potential. However, with their dad often in jail and their mom heavily involved in drugs and alcohol, these girls and their siblings didn’t have many positive influences in their lives. We learned that they had been abused and mistreated by family members resulting in them being taken from their home. They both ended up addicted to drugs, and one turned to a life of prostitution.
After losing contact with them for several years, we recently discovered that Abby lives in another state with an alcoholic, abusive man while Amy is here in Nashville in a halfway house and has been sober for over a year and a half. Wayne and I often see people in these types of situations, going through heartache and pain and turning to drugs and alcohol to escape. We continue to pray for Abby and Amy and their entire family. So many children have returned to us over the years to tell us what those times riding in the big yellow Jesus bus meant to them and often to seek guidance and prayer for their current circumstances.
Please join us in prayer for those two sisters and the other children now grown who were a part of our ministry and all the others to whom we currently reach out to who need the saving grace of Jesus. Prayer changes situations and circumstances and people’s hearts.
May God richly bless you and your family in all the days ahead.
With Love,
Wayne and Mary Bratcher