About Us

  • We visit prisons and hold Bible studies on Death Row: Wayne holds a weekly Bible study with prison inmates who are flourishing in their walk with the Lord. The men to whom he ministers have started calling it “Life Row” because they have found new life in Christ!
  • We visit retirement center/nursing homes: Going door to door to visit, pray for and share meals with in the dining hall to encourage the residents. During summers and school breaks, his granddaughter, Willow Grace, enjoys going with him to visit and often sings or plays the piano for them.
  • Individual and family counseling: Wayne and Mary counsel individuals, couples, and families, using the Bible as our number one reference, through struggles with depression, marital issues, substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, and a variety of other life issues.
  • One on one teaching and follow-up: Wayne’s daily intentional journeys through Nashville brings him face to face with often 100 people. Many can be newcomers to Nashville, and he is out there meeting them! In each conversation, Wayne is able to point them to ministries in the city that will assist them in their circumstances and always suggests a specific local church, depending on where they are staying.
  • Meeting physical needs and prayer: Hope & Life’s committment is to share the hope of the gospel with anyone and everyone we meet. Often providing for physical needs, such as a meal or clothes or even a vehicle, is needed. Other times it’s praying with a couple who is desperately wanting a child, a mother who is worried about her son going down the wrong path, or a young man concerned after finding out that his father has cancer. In each situation, we share God’s Word, scriptures specifically concerning the situation. We pray. Prayer is the key!
  • We follow up with those to whom we’ve ministered and walk with them however we can.